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SAK Employee Experience Platform - Staffbase
Client Staffbase - Sampson Construction
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Leading construction companies are transforming internal communication with Staffbase.

An Employee App Lays the Foundation for Stronger Communications teaser

An Employee App Lays the Foundation for Stronger Communications


How SAK Construction Increases Productivity and Reduces Costs with their Employee App

A 65-year-old company uses new technology to connect with workers across the US teaser

A 65-year-old company uses new technology to connect with workers across the US

Achieving Zero Accidents Is Job #1 for Internal Communications

With a branded employee app you can immediately provide all of your employees with targeted information, practical HR tools and services, and important safety updates. Wherever they are and whenever they need it.

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Connect your people no matter where they are and what they're doing

In the construction industry, where your employees work, what they do, and what they need all vary. And for international companies, even languages and security regulations can differ. With an employee app, communications and HR departments can reach their many non-desk workers and target content to meet their specific needs.

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Generate real dialogue, interaction, and transparency

Get your employees talking and find out what they really care about. With surveys, feedback channels, and the ability to comment, like, and share, an app for mobile internal communication generates dialogues throughout an organization.

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Increase speed, reach, and relevance

When it comes to sharing news, training, and safety procedures in the construction industry, messages must be communicated promptly and reliably. With push notifications, acknowledgement functions, and targeted content, an app helps companies in their efforts to achieve flawless information distribution.

At a company like ours that’s so spread out, the SampsonHub app has given us a great way to communicate. Now, we’re able to connect with employees in a way that is useful and engaging.

Travis Lucas Sampson Construction

How to cut through the noise and understand what non-desk workers want to hear

5 Ways to Drive Engagement With Your Non-Desk Workforce During a Crisis

Industry experts from Open and Staffbase discuss strategies for engaging your entire workforce during the global pandemic.

Staffbase 5 Ways to communicate with your non desk worker teaser
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