
With an ‘Ask the CEO’ channel, you provide employees with a direct line to management. A platform for open as well as anonymous questions and feedback gives them the opportunity to talk to their superiors directly. This encourages a more open and straightforward exchange and helps avoid the formation of communication barriers within the company.


There are two effective ways to implement an ‘Ask the CEO’ channel:

A public channel, where submissions appear with the full name of the user

Anonymous submissions, with answers from the CEO in a public channel

How does it look to users?

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The ‘Ask the CEO’ channel appears under News in the app menu.

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Users are able to ask questions directly within the channel. The ones with the highest number of likes will be answered by the CEO at the end of the day. Learn more about channels in Corporate News.

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There is also the option of providing a form with anonymous submissions. After a user submits a question anonymously, the CEO shares the answer with all users in a public channel.

Whats important for admins?

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To offer the option for anonymous submissions, you need to edit the settings in the admin area.