
User profiles contain all relevant information about employees such as contact data, job title, job-specific skills, and advanced training. If you’re looking for contact information or experts for special tasks, they can be easily found via the search function. It’s possible to add names, phone numbers, and profile pictures, in addition to editing user groups and limiting access to the app. Users can be promptly deactivated or removed should employment be suspended or terminated.


To find experts, you can add new profile fields which users can edit.


Read more about the Employee Directory and how to best use it in User Profiles.

How does it look to users?

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Expert field for users. Experts can be easily found via the user profile search function.

How does it look to admins and editors?

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Create new profile fields in the admin area. Go to settings and profile fields. Find additional fields at the bottom.

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Add and edit additional profile fields and titles. Turn visibility on or off (e.g. for ID numbers) and make it either writable or visible only to users.


Read more about the Employee Directory and how to best use it in User Profiles.