
Continuous learning at work has never been more important. In fact, it’s imperative if you want to grow as a business. It helps organizations tap into the full potential of their workforce, not only as employees, but as people.


For employees, studying the latest trends, undertaking research, and constantly learning new information generates innovative ideas which can translate into a competitive edge for your business.


There are different ways to include learning and best practices in an employee app:
Use best practices for different stores-create a best practice folder, add a page for each store, and share best practices and results. Learn more in local news.

Provide a open channel where users can share best practices.

Offer workshops and let users register via event registration.

Share a page with video tutorials and tips. For a great example of this, read our customer story: An Employee App for REINERT Logistics

Create an employee survey and solicit ideas for possible workshops.

How does it look to users?

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Provide a best practice news page which is disconnected from the general news page. User see this as a separate news channel.

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Channel user view. The channel looks like a normal news channel. Users can like, comment and share pictures.

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You also can provide a folder with “How to” pages. Users can see an overview of all how to…pages.

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Show informations on a static page and share descriptions how employees need to do different things in the company. Examples: How to set up an email account, how to book a room in calendar, how to use the coffee machine….

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On a static page, share knowledge with video tutorials about safety, emergency guidelines, or how-to guides regarding different topics. This information is avaliable to employees and can be consulted if they’re in need of guidance. Read more in Safety Rules.

How to create a separate news page?

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Create a new news page in the menu in your admin area and name this page.

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Create a new news channel in the news plugin and assign the new channel to the separate news page.