
Gather feedback about your company’s initiatives with comments and likes, and involve all of your employees in brainstorming and evaluating innovative new ideas. As a result, you will guarantee the development of a culture that values transparency and open feedback.


There are a number of ways to get new ideas from employees:
Employees can make comments and like articles. See how it works in Corporate News.
Get feedback via an Employee Survey.
Create a channel where employees can write down their thoughts and ideas for the company. Learn how to create specific channels in Local News.

Comments, Replies and Likes

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Gather new ideas from the comments and likes of users.

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Push discussions about different topics within the reply function in comments.

Employee Survey

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Employee Survey via the Forms plugin.


Get feedback with a SurveyMonkey or Netigate extension.

Specific Channel

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Create a specific channel for new ideas. Learn more in Local News.