Let's face it: the digital workplace is here to stay! Many companies are now even allowing employees to work remotely rather than from the office. With people engaging in more on-screen time, it's pretty safe to say that the digital world has become a second home for most of us. Considering the conversion to work from home environments, it's time to step up everyone's emotional intelligence (EQ) and implement it within your digital workplace.

Although our productivity is increasing now that many of us are working from home, what does that say about our well-being? Now it's important to win the hearts and minds of your co-workers and employees prior to winning those of your clients!

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth."

Mayer & Salovey, 1997

Emotional Intelligence was first created by Peter Salovey and John Mayer as a psychological theory which then gained much recognition through Daniel Goleman's best selling books on the subject. Goleman, a psychologist, Harvard graduate, and award-winning author spent time in both India and Sri Lanka during his studies learning from spiritual guru's and later gaining friendships of reknowned leaders such as the Dali Lama.

Daniel's five components of emotional intelligence have gained much popularity in the workforce over the years, but how do they play out during our digital age and how can they be applied virtually?

The 5 components of emotional intelligence and how to implement them in your digital workplace

The five components of emotional intelligence.

1. Self-Awareness

A key component in anyone's success in the workplace is knowing where they shine as individuals but also being aware of their own weaknesses. Working from home or remotely can be rewarding, but it's easy to get distracted throughout the day, especially if you have to juggle work with kids, drop-ins, and the odd load of laundry.

Gone are the 9–5 workdays but we've now found ourselves working more hours throughout the day. To prevent a burnout WFH (working from home) and any on-screen frustrations, here are a few tips on how to improve your self-awareness in order to better your wellbeing:

  • Ask for feedback, often. Have team meetings where you can discuss what your teammates can work on and where they excel.
  • Be conscious of your weakness' and take constructive criticism in with open arms.
  • Allocate a designated working space, be conscious of the times you're most productive in assigned spaces where you feel most inspired.

2. Self-Regulation

We're all human, and we all have our trigger moments. Being self-aware is knowing what those are and having the ability to control your impulses and emotions. Don't be labeled as a "Karen" or "Ken" at work and simply be aware of what makes you tick so that you can control it beforehand. What can you do in order to improve your self-regulation working remotely?

  • Be cognizant of your expressions. It's easy to forget that cameras are rolling during most of our teams and virtual meetings but your colleagues and co-workers are becoming more conscious of what some of your non-verbal reactions may mean.
  • Practice self-control with mindfulness. Find time in your day to meditate, breathe, and take a moment to relax at the start of each day.
  • Keep your half glass full. Keep a positive approach by staying optimistic and seeing the good in things. Your mind will naturally start to shift and begin to think that way the more you put it into practice.

3. Motivation

The world is changing and so are the ways we do things at work. We're all trying to think outside of the box when it comes to the way we do business and sometimes that means doing tasks we don't particularly enjoy or taking on new challenges that we are not always comfortable with. Keep the team motivated by listening to what they have to say.

Valo Ideas is out

Providing your remote team the opportunity to share their ideas on how to improve their digital workplace is a great place to start. Now that's a great way to keep your team driven!

Who doesn't love the pajama and dress-shirt look? You'll find that waking up and getting ready as if you were going to meet clients in person throughout the day will not only make you feel good but put you in the mindset for the workday and ready for any face-call meetings.

While at it, make your bed too. See this inspirational video by Admiral William H. McRaven who reminds us that by doing the little things in life, we achieve the big things too. Your excitement and passion can be felt on-screen and your energy about it can inspire your co-workers to take on the same approach.

4. Empathy

Put yourself in someone else's shoes; that's the easiest way to put it. Working from home or remotely does have its challenges, so embrace them. Allow kids/babies to sit in on team meetings if needed or provide your workplace with flexible working hours. Have weekly check-ins with your colleagues to see how they're doing.

When someone seems off or not in the right mindset, address it with them. The more empathetic you are, the more trust your gain from your team, and the more they'll be proactive and motivated to work harder in return.

5. Social skills

Team messages and emails lead us to a digital era where communication can be easily misinterpreted. Foster those social skills in order to create better relationships and enhance your digital workplace. Listen to your employees and co-workers and practice empathy.

When trying to resolve any issues, always take into account everyone's point of view on the situation and try to find a solution that can benefit everyone.

Take the time to build relationships with your teams and in the end, you'll all be able to collaborate together more efficiently on the end goal, which is to bring success to your company.

Want to see where your emotional intelligence ranks? Take the test here. Share it with your organization and start taking measures on how everyone can enhance their EQ. Make your digital workplace feel like home and your co-workers like the people they are. The more love and support your provide your team, the more your business will naturally flourish. So get emotional already, will ya?

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